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Publications 2013 - 2018 (Roma).

Education systems

2018 | La sfida pedagogica dei Paesi Arabi del Golfo Persiano: l’impatto del modello educativo anglosassone (seconda parte) | Orientamenti Pedagogici | Erickson. Here you can read the text.

2018 | La sfida pedagogica dei Paesi Arabi del Golfo Persiano: l’impatto del modello educativo anglosassone (prima parte) | Orientamenti Pedagogici | Erickson. Here you can read the text.

2018 | Becoming a Teacher in Italy today. The Origins of Current Paths | International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. Here you can read the text.

2017 | Alle origini del primo piano di studi palestinese: la costruzione narrativa di un popolo | Rivista Formazione, Lavoro, Persona | Università di Bergamo e A.D.A.P.T.. Here you can read the text.

2017 | Paesaggi educativi a Oriente. Come colonialismo, nazionalismi e Islam hanno influenzato e influenzano l’educazione nel mondo arabo | Orientamenti Pedagogici | Erickson. Here you can read the text.

Quoted in: "Intercultura e integrazione. Centro Studi Gruppo Abele. Bibliografie e sitografie tematiche". Here you can read the text.

Quoted in: "Mazzei S.(2018). Il sistema di istruzione egiziano. Trasformazioni e riforme all’alba del XXI secolo. Nuova secondaria Ricerca (2)36, 42-51. ISSN 1828-4582". Here you can read the text.

2017 | Massive Online Open Courses: le nuove frontiere dell'esperienza | DigitCult. Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures | Aracne. Here you can read the text.

2016 | Massive Online Open Courses: le direzioni di un’apertura | DigitCult. Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures | Aracne. Here you can read the text.

2016 | Recover the lost paradigm: technology guided by teaching methods | International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. Here you can read the text.

Quoted in: "Elçi, A., Abubakar, A.M., Özgül, N., Vural, M. & Akdeniz T. (2017). Ögretim Elemanlarinin Teknoloji ile Zenginlestirilmis Ögrenme Ortamlarini Etkin Kullanimi: Uygulamali Çalistay [Efficient use of technology enriched learning environments by faculty members: Applied workshop|. Proceedings of The 19th Academic Information Conference, Aksaray, Turkey, February, 2017". Here you can read the text.

Quoted in: "CSR Education in Italy: the case of the University of Perugia", January 2016, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-26716-6_7.

2016 | Istruzione e formazione nel secondo millennio: la formazione professionale dell'insegnante negli Stati Uniti | Orientamenti Pedagogici | Erickson. Here you can read the text.

2015 | Istruzione e formazione nel secondo millennio: gli Stati Uniti | Orientamenti Pedagogici | Erickson. Here you can read the text.

2014 | Education and Training in Italy: status and transitions | Education Journal, 3(6), 323-339, Science Publishing Group. Here you can read the text.

2014 | Teaching and learning in the society of continuing education and training | Universal Journal of Educational Research. Here you can read the text.

Quoted in: ERIC, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Here you can read the text.

Quoted in: M. Rodríguez Correa & J.-C. Rivadulla-López (2018), Percepciones sobre la educación de personas adultas. Análisis de la formación, la práctica docente y el perfil profesional, Educar, 54(2), 431-448. ISSN 0211-819X (paper), ISSN 2014-8801 (digital). Here you can read the text.

2014 | Italian Lifelong Learning in Europe: Notes to the Second Millennium | Journal of Education and Training Studies. Here you can read the text.

2013 | L’Italia in Europa: appunti su una formazione continua di secondo millennio | FOR Rivista per la formazione | Franco Angeli. (Reduced to meet editorial requirements). Here you can read the text.

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